Foot Zone TherapyIs a method of treating the physical, mental and emotional features of the body, by using a specific massage of the nerves located on the feet. Each nerve signals the brain to affect change at the corresponding area -- muscle, bone, joint, organ or system. What I feel on the feet corresponds to what I could feel from your organs, tissues, balances, levels, alignment, health, etc! We will go through the body, talk about your main concerns/your health, allergies, diet, supplements and health plan.
is a system of medicine that is different from conventional medicine. Where allopathic medicine focuses on suppression of symptoms, homeopathy seeks to correct the underlying imbalance that caused the symptoms in the first place. Homeopathy achieves this by stimulating the body's natural responses, thereby allowing the body to heal itself. FDA approved, 200 years of double blind studies, often acting within minutes or hours, working on the whole person to completely uproot the imbalance or dis-ease. |
My goal is to be an instrument in getting our bodies back to optimal health, using a holistic and whole approach. Our bodies are made to heal themselves. YOUR body and spirit is incredible!
My focuses are on- Women's health (hormone balancing, pregnancy, postpartum/mental health, infertility); and getting the body back to homeostasis naturally through nutrition, diet, exercise, supplements, tinctures, homeopathics, and other lifestyle changes. And last but not least, EMPOWERING you to take charge of your health and live the life YOU have always wanted! |
Reiki TherapyIs a very high vibrational energy that flows into and treats our body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects. It helps to break down energetic disruptions or blockages, clearing and balancing the chakras and straightening the energy pathways (meridians). A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you. Many have reported miraculous results, including truly living their 'highest self', reacting differently to things, slow to anger, compassion, patience, and unconditional love. It has been effective in assisting with treatment of pain of all kinds, infertility, weight loss, stress, trauma, depression and anxiety, and most importantly supports self healing, well being and peace. It also works in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote recovery.
We will balance all Chakras, |